College Basketball in America: A flawed system Unlike in Europe where young people aspiring to become professional athletes join clubs at a very young age where they will be homegrown, America deeply links...
Joseph M. W. Turner’s skies Joseph Mallord William Turner, also known as William Turner or J. M. W. Turner was a major artist of the 18th and 19th centuries in the United Kingdom. He...
New Year dates in Islamic and Amazigh societies According to historical and religious calendars New Year, which is the first day of the year, is celebrated all over the world on January 1st,...
And Then There Were None. A 2015 TV Adaptation Published in 1939 and several times adapted, Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None never ceases to intrigue both readers and viewers. Never will...
Formula 1 This piece is for everyone who may be willing to go beyond surface-level when it comes to the inner workings of Formula 1; but particularly, I am addressing this work to...
Le carnet de recherche « Investigatio » met en avant les travaux menés par les étudiants des masters recherche de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Institut Catholique de Paris qu'ils soient historiens, historiens de l'art, littéraires ou travaillant sur les mondes ibériques et anglo-saxons. Dans un esprit résolument transversal et interdisciplinaire, le carnet se veut un outil de partage et d'échange scientifique. Les étudiants non seulement publient les avancés de leurs recherches mais également des comptes rendu d'ouvrages et de colloques, procédant aussi à une veille scientifique dans le domaines concerné par leur recherche. L'équipe enseignante alimente aussi le carnet ce qui lui permet ainsi de donner une plus grande visibilité et écho à leur approche scientifique, en revenant sur leurs séminaires et en publiant toute information utile à la communauté étudiante inscrite en master.
The research notebook “Investigatio” highlights the work of the MASTER students of the Faculty of Letters at the Catholic University of Paris, be they historians, art-historians or specialists in literature or in Iberian or Anglo-Saxon culture. In a truly interdisciplinary atmosphere, this notebook is intended to be a tool for scientific sharing and exchange. Students not only publish the results of their research but also reports of books and conferences, this way following the scientific developments in their respective fields. Faculty members also contribute work to the notebook, which enables them to give greater visibility to their scientific activity by reporting on their seminars, and to publish all the information that is useful to the students enrolled in the different MASTERS.